Powerful Content Management Features

Content publishing, search, blog, events calendar, gallery, news, and much, much more - HBCMS has it all. Whether it’s available features, support, or ease of use, HBCMS offers the most you can ever imagine. Learn more about what makes HBCMS the first choice for professional websites.

Compare Feature List

A plan for any size Business

All plans include a FREE 1 year Domain Registration. .com .biz .net
  • Custom Design Pages
  • Custom Design Banner
  • Contact Form
  • Disk Space
  • Bandwidth
  • Email Accounts
  • Domain
  • Support

Website Design 4 page Plan

Great for Small to Medium size Business

JMD $499/month
JMD $16,000 setup
Up to 3 months free hosting
  • 3 Custom Design Webpage
  • 1 Custom Design Banner
  • 1 Contact Page
  • 2GB Disk Space
  • 15GB BandwidthNew
  • 10 Emails Accounts
  • FREE 1 year Domain Registration
  • FREE 24/7 Support

Website Design 6 page plan

Great for Medium to Large size Business

JMD $1,099/month
JMD $28,000 setup
Up to 3 months free hosting
  • 3 Custom Design Webpage
  • 1 Custom Design Banner
  • 1 Contact Page
  • 4GB Disk Space
  • 25GB BandwidthNew
  • 50 Emails Accounts
  • FREE 1 year Domain Registration
  • FREE 24/7 Support

Website Design 10 page plan

Great for Large to Enterprise size Business

JMD $1,499/month
JMD $49,000 setup
Up to 3 months free hosting
  • 3 Custom Design Webpage
  • 1 Custom Design Banner
  • 1 Contact Page
  • 4GB Disk Space
  • 25GB BandwidthNew
  • 50 Emails Accounts
  • FREE 1 year Domain Registration
  • FREE 24/7 Support

Why choose HB-CMS for my Website

HB-CMS is an all in one content management platform created and powered by
HB Jamaica, allowing flexibility in managing and editing your WEBSITE. Adding contents to your website have never been easier. With just a few clicks, HB-CMS allows you to add new contents to your website such as NEWS, ARTICLES, BLOGS, GALLERY, EVENTS CALENDAR, AND YOUTUBE VIDEOS. With HB-CMS, content management becomes as easy as desktop publishing.
Validation is a key SSL feature. We’ll help you learn about the different levels of validation and how to tell them apart.
Single domain SSLs only allow one unique domain or subdomain to be secured, wildcard SSLs allow multiple subdomains to be secured under one unique domain, and multi-domain SSLs allow multiple unique domains and subdomains to be secured with a single certificate.

Each brand of SSL is known as a Certificate Authority (CA). A CA is an organization that is trusted to sign digital certificates. It also verifies the identity and legitimacy of the company or individual requesting a certificate and, if the verification is successful, issues the signed certificate.

New-Website Design

Make the Ultimate Upgrade to HB CMS!

HB-CMS is an all in one content management platform created and powered by
HB Jamaica, allowing flexibility in managing and editing your WEBSITE. Adding contents to your website have never been easier.  With just a few clicks, HB-CMS allows you to add new contents to your website such as NEWS, ARTICLES, BLOGS, GALLERY, EVENTS, AND VIDEOS. With HB-CMS, content management becomes as easy as desktop publishing.


Control and Management

All of our CUSTOM WEBSITE DESIGN plans are designed on HB-CMS Platform, allowing you freedom of control, edit, manage and add *unlimited* contents.

Our WEBSITE DESIGN Team will custom design your WEBSITE to fit your company's needs and to reflect the image and brand of your business.