
Tips on How to Increase Your Website Visibility through HBJamaica SEO Experts.

Internet marketing has become highly competitive and only those who are repositioned will have their websites indexed and ranked on the top hits of search engines. It is certain that website owners need to seek competent SEO experts who are able to use ‘white hat’ techniques to achieve your Internet marketing goals. Search engines like Google have become very strict and you need to engage with a SEO firm that can produce long term website ranking. This way you are able to increase your website traffic and returns on investment (ROI).

Your Company Logo Design Speaks Volumes About Your Brand

You’ve heard the expression, “a picture is worth a thousand words”. When people see a picture or an image, they attach their frames of references to it and create an immediate perception about its meaning. Take a second and look at a picture in your office or an image on your computer screen. Be aware of the immediate thoughts that come to mind and the emotions that hit you. When people see your company logo, the process is no different. The question is, “What is your logo saying to them about your brand?”

Mistakes to Avoid when Producing Marketing Materials

Is your business the first choice of your target customers when it comes to the products or services you offer? Do you think you stand out from the competition? If you promote your business the right way, you will easily stand out and get most of the market share. But if you promote the wrong way, your target customers will leave your business as fast as they can. They will create their own conclusions regarding your company. Sometimes the conclusions are accurate, other times they don’t even close to coming to the right conclusion. If you want your customers to pick you over your competitors, you must do everything to impress them and get their sympathy. 

5 Simple Ways To Improve Your Website's Performance

When clients initially come to HB Jamaica, our team always makes a point of asking them if they are satisfied with their website’s performance. Many of them find this to be an intriguing question. They know their sites can be doing better, but they’re just not sure how.

Automated Email Marketing

  • Ecommerce Feature
  • October 14, 2011

Imagine this: someone buys a pair of jeans from your online store. One week later they receive a 25% off coupon to buy a matching shirt or blouse. Then two weeks later they receive an email with 10% off a matching belt.

All of this can be accomplished automatically with our integration to HB Jamaica Email Marketer.

Define rules to add customers and newsletter subscribers to your HB Jamaica Email Marketer lists based on the product, category or brand they've purchased then setup a few autoresponders in HB Jamaica Email Marketer and let the rest take care of itself!

How to Sell Art Online

  • HB Commerce Benefit
Interested in learning how to sell art online? These days, it isn’t very difficult to get started with your online store. Technology has made it simple for consumers to find the art they’re looking for online, and social media and online databas...

I am new to Ecommerce

  • HB Commerce Benefit
From website creation to marketing HB Commerce is all you need to sell online. There are many little steps involved in creating an online business and start selling online, such as getting a domain name, choosing your shipping provider, but we'll...

Dynamic Content Blocks

  • Email Marketing Feature

Dynamic content blocks allow you to personalize a section of your email message based on custom field values. For example, if the subscriber's hobby is Tennis, you can show a Tennis Rocket. If it's hockey, you can show a hockey stick, etc